Barbara Kieffer

Barbara Kieffer

Licensing: SP00054263

Barbara Kieffer is an East Coast transfer to Wichita, Kansas. She arrived here in 1995 and began her Real Estate career in 2000.

Born in Harford, Connecticut and educated at Georgetown University in Washington D.C. , she made several corporate moves with her family before deciding that Wichita was going to be her home.

Barbara obtained her Real Estate license in 2000 and remained with the same company until 2019 when The Carnahan Group with ReeceNichols South Central Kansas offered her fresh opportunities to work with a team that she respected during her career.

She brings a unique perspective to her customers, especially those from out of town, conscientiously anticipating the expectations and concerns that come naturally with every move.

Barbara comes from a construction background and has an affinity for many of Wichita's established neighborhoods and, in general, for good craftsmanship and quality in homes of all price ranges.

Barbara tries to alleviate the stress often anticipated in the Real Estate process by being easily accessible to answer any questions and concerns. It is her hope that she can reinsert fun and excitement into buying and selling a home.

Her sons, Justin and Brandon, both graduated from Wichita Collegiate and now live in Virginia and New York.

Designations & Achievements
National Association of Realtors (NAR), Member
Kansas Association of Realtors (KAR), Member
Realtors of South Central KS (RSCK), Member
Multi-Million Dollar Producer, RSCK
Master’s Circle Designation, RSCK
Top Residential Team Member, ReeceNichols South Central Kansas

Botanica, The Wichita Gardens, Former Trustee & Current Member
Ulrich Museum of Art, WSU, Member
Wichita Art Museum, Member
League of Women Voters, Member

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CONTACT Barbara Kieffer

We Often Know About Homes Coming For Sale Long Before They Actually Hit The Market.

We Would Love To Keep An Eye Out For You!